Descubra 10 modelos de e-mails de agradecimento ao cliente para melhorar satisfação, engajamento e fidelidade. Envie após compras, feedback ou aniversários para fortalecer relações. E-mails bem elaborados aumentam lealdade e boca a boca.
E-mails de agradecimento ao cliente – eles são uma necessidade? Considerando a forte concorrência no mercado de hoje e o fato de que até 80% da receita futura de uma empresa virá de 20% de seus clientes existentes – de acordo com o Grupo Gartner – construir relacionamentos de longo prazo com os clientes e nutrir a lealdade do cliente nunca foi tão importante para as empresas. Enviar e-mails de agradecimento ao cliente como parte de sua estratégia de agradecimento ao cliente pode ajudá-lo a fazer exatamente isso. E-mails de agradecimento bem elaborados enviados no momento certo podem aumentar a satisfação do cliente, gerar mais engajamento, melhorar a lealdade e o boca a boca.
Outros exemplos de apreço aos clientes que podem ajudar a construir relacionamentos incluem enviar cartões escritos à mão com algumas palavras de agradecimento, realizar eventos para os clientes, oferecer presentes e muito mais.
O estudo da Rockefeller Corporation revelou que 68% dos clientes terminam um relacionamento comercial devido a uma atitude percebida de indiferença por parte da empresa que os está atendendo. Outra pesquisa da ClickFox relatou que 62% dos consumidores não acreditam que as marcas às quais são mais leais estão fazendo o suficiente para recompensá-los. Uma carta de agradecimento dá aos clientes a sensação de segurança, mostra o lado humano da sua marca e deixa claro que você valoriza eles. Esses e-mails podem ajudar você a construir relacionamentos mais saudáveis com os clientes e aumentar o tempo de conexão deles com sua marca.
A Eloqua descobriu que e-mails com “Obrigado” na linha de assunto têm uma taxa de abertura significativamente maior (14,29%) e uma melhor taxa de cliques (1,93%). Abaixo estão algumas linhas de assunto de e-mail testadas e comprovadas que você pode usar em suas campanhas de e-mail marketing para agradecimento ao cliente:
Um bom e-mail de agradecimento ao cliente pode contribuir muito para criar uma ótima experiência para o cliente e melhorar a percepção da marca. Existem inúmeras ocasiões para dizer ‘obrigado’ aos seus clientes (após uma compra, assinatura do boletim informativo, feedback do cliente, em feriados sazonais, aniversários de clientes, ao atingir marcos importantes da empresa, etc.) Confira estes 10 tipos básicos de e-mails de agradecimento do cliente para inspirar o seu:
We appreciate your most recent purchase and hope you will enjoy your new items.
Your payment has been received and your Order [number] is being processed. Once we carefully pack the items, we’ll ship them to you immediately. You can follow your parcel at any time by clicking this tracking code: [tracking code].
Our customer service team is always on hand to answer any questions you may have via [email address], live chat, or phone [phone number].
Thanks once again for shopping with us,
Thank you for signing up for [Brand]. We’re happy to have you on board! As a show of our appreciation, we’re giving you 10% OFF of our full range of products. Simply use this discount code at the checkout: [code number].
Start Shopping
If you ever have any questions, concerns, or just want to say ‘hi’, feel free to reach out to our support team any time at [email address], live chat, or phone [phone number].
Thank you for subscribing to [Brand’s] weekly newsletter. We’re thrilled to have you aboard! As a subscriber, you’ll be the first to hear about our sales, exclusive deals, new releases, news, and much more.
In the meantime, be sure to check out our website to see what’s new and browse our bestsellers loved by other [Brand] members like you!
Thanks again for joining us. Your first newsletter will be arriving soon!
P.S. To ensure that you are receiving our messages (and they don’t end up in your junk folder), please add [email address] to your address book.
[Agent Name] here from the [Company name] support team. I’d like to personally thank you for completing the survey about your experience using [Product]! Your feedback has helps us improve, so I really appreciate you taking the time.
You made a good point about the [feature name]. I’ll make sure to forward this feature request to our development team.
Thanks again for your contribution to making [Company name] better.
Someone purchased [Product] using your unique referral link. As a result, and considering you are a [Product] member, we will credit you [one free month/ discount].
No additional action is needed on your part, we’ll automatically apply [the credit/ discount] to your next order/ invoice.
Most importantly, thank you so much for your referral! We’re honored to have such loyal customers like you.
We heard it’s your Birthday! To celebrate your special day, here’s a 20% OFF coupon to buy yourself something nice. Use code [code number] at checkout by [date].
Happy Birthday!
Did you know that you’ve been with [Brand] for 1 year? We truly value loyal customers like you. And that’s why we strive to always bring you the best service (and great offers, too).
On behalf of everyone here at [Brand], thank you for staying with us. Here’s a little something extra to commemorate our time together:
Enjoy 20% off your next order with this coupon code: [coupon code].
As always, if there’s anything we can ever do better, please don’t hesitate to let us know!
You’re the reason we made it to 10 years. What an incredible moment to reflect on. We started [Brand] with one mission – to help [people/ businesses achieve their goals]. A decade later and that mission remains the same – but so many other things have changed. Thank you for being a part of our journey. We wouldn’t be here without you!
Ten years is a long time – but it’s just the beginning. We’re so excited for what’s to come and look forward to many more years of bringing you products/ services that help you reach your goals.
Cheers to another decade of [success/ happiness/ health, etc.],
The holidays are a great time to give thanks to the people who matter most. For us, it’s our customers like you. Keeping with the holiday spirit, we’d like to do just that.
As a small token of our appreciation, here’s a 15% off coupon code for your next purchase: [CODE NUMBER].
If there’s anything we can ever do better, please don’t hesitate to let us know: [email/ phone number]
Thanks, and happy holidays from [Brand] to you!
I just wanted to take a moment of your time to thank you for consecutively choosing us for over five years now, despite the competition. A recent look at the books also proved that you are one of our most frequent (and loved) repeat customers.
We highly appreciate your loyalty and entrusting us with your [specific] needs. If there is anything you’d like us to do to make your experience with [Brand] a better one, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly.
Ready to take advantage of our free 30-day trial?
Customize and save our customer appreciation templates and send them out directly from LiveAgent. No credit card required.
Modelos para E-mail de Marketing
Aprenda a criar e-mails de marketing impactantes com nossos modelos gratuitos. Descubra como o e-mail marketing pode atrair prospectos, fidelizar clientes, aumentar vendas e otimizar o ROI. Explore 10 modelos essenciais para suas campanhas e impulsione seus resultados.
Modelos de email de resposta de solicitação de recurso
Modelos profissionais de e-mail para responder solicitações de recursos no SaaS. Diga "sim", "não" ou "talvez" com clareza e mantenha a satisfação do cliente!
Respostas de clientes irritados
Aprenda a responder clientes irritados com empatia e soluções eficazes. Confira modelos de email para melhorar seu atendimento ao cliente!
Modelos para E-mail de portal do cliente
Economize tempo com modelos de e-mail prontos para portais do cliente. Verificação, boas-vindas, feedback e mais. Experimente grátis no LiveAgent!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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