Um checklist abrangente para uma transição suave de call center, desde entender as necessidades da empresa até assinar contratos. Útil para equipes de gestão e proprietários, assegura que todos os aspectos da transição sejam considerados, evitando problemas.
Você está no processo de transição de seu call center para um novo provedor de software? Você pode querer seguir este checklist para facilitar uma transição suave.
Ao reservar um tempo para fazer as coisas corretamente, você pode evitar possíveis problemas e garantir que seus clientes continuem recebendo o melhor serviço possível.
Você tomou a decisão de mudar de provedor de contact center por um motivo.
Se você deseja economizar dinheiro, melhorar seu atendimento ao cliente ou atualizar algum software, é importante garantir que a transição seja a mais tranquila possível. Uma transição bem-sucedida é crucial para qualquer call center, pois uma transição mal executada pode custar muito tempo e muito dinheiro ao seu negócio.
Com este checklist, você pode garantir que todos os aspectos da transição sejam considerados, desde a migração de dados até o treinamento dos funcionários.
Um checklist de transição de call center é um guia abrangente para as principais partes interessadas envolvidas no processo de transição. Portanto, não importa qual seja sua função, nosso checklist pode ajudá-lo a garantir que o processo de transição ocorra sem problemas.
Before making any major decisions, it is important to understand your company’s needs and goals for the call center.
If you do not understand your company’s needs, it can be easy to get swayed by the features of a new provider. While they may be attractive, they might not be what your company needs in order to meet goals.
Sit down with your team and discuss what you are looking for in a new provider. Ask them about their experiences with the current call center software and what they would like to see improved.
Collecting these information will help you to understand your business’ requirements and ensure that they are met in the transition process.
When you know both the positive and negative aspects of your current provider, you can get a better idea of the perfect one you’re looking for.
Having a realistic view of your current provider is important in order for you to not set unreasonable expectations.
First collect data from team members, customers, and management. Ask them about their experiences with the current software, such as what they like and which features they use.
Review customer service data to see how many complaints are being made. Look for patterns in the data that will help you understand what went wrong with the current provider.
By using your criteria list, you probably reduce the number of potential providers significantly. Therefore, you have a slightly easier decision to make. It’s now time to dig deeper and find more information about the remaining providers.
It ensures your decision is well-thought-out and that you minimize the risk of investing in the wrong call center software solution.
Each provider has its own website where you can find a lot of info about its services. Look for case studies and reviews from customers who have used the software and check out social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) to see what people are saying about the provider.
It is helpful to see if the tools that your potential call center provider uses are compatible with the ones you’re currently using. You should also find out what features it offers and whether it has everything that you need.
Some providers have their own tools which can make the transition process more complicated. For example, you might run into problems if it is not compatible with the CRM system you use.
Each potential provider’s own website should have a lot of information about their services, including a list of tools they can be integrated with.
Let’s take a look at LiveAgent – it provides many advanced features. Although the wide range of options might be overwhelming at first, thankfully, it offers a free trial, so you can decide whether it is right for you without spending any money.
Understanding all of the intricate details of the provided features and integrations is crucial before making any decisions.
After doing your research, you should have a few providers that meet all of the criteria on your list.
This step will help you to focus on those providers that best fit your company. This approach saves time during the evaluation process.
Determine the weight for each criterion by evaluating its importance (if you haven’t already). Compare each provider against the criteria you’ve set and eliminate the ones that don’t meet all of them to your liking.
You can then rate each provider according to how many features it offers, multiplying each grade by the weight, and adding the results. The providers with the highest scores should be the ones worth considering.
The only way to gain a thorough understanding of how the solution works is to sign-up for a trial version and try it out yourself.
This is your chance to see how well the software works in your environment and if it meets all of your expectations.
Contact each potential provider and ask for a trial version or demo. Some providers might require you to contact them by phone, which is why it’s important to have a list of questions ready.
Tip: Don’t forget to make notes during the trial to remember what you liked and didn’t like about a particular provider.
After evaluating all of the potential providers, you will have to make a decision and choose one of them.
This is probably the most important step in the process. The longer you wait, the more time will pass without any change for your company.
You must consider all the conclusions that you have drawn so far and select the provider that is right for you and your company.
Tip: if you can’t decide, consider holding a vote in your organization (provided that everyone tested each call center software solution).
Now that you know what your next call center software will be, it’s time to contact the provider and work out the details.
To get more information about what needs to be done in order for the switch to happen.
Usually, you need to provide them with some info about your company and the type of service you’re looking for. Prepare a list of detailed questions to ask.
After everything is agreed upon, it’s time to sign the contract and make the switch.
This document binds both parties to their agreement and makes sure that everyone knows what they’re getting into.
Providers typically send you a contract to sign and return, or as in LiveAgent, you just subscribe to the tool and start using it right away.
The contract should include:
We begin the preparation phase. How the transition is conducted can have a significant impact on the outcome. This process cannot begin without a detailed plan.
If you don’t have a project transition plan, you will most likely miss some steps and the transition will be more difficult than it needs to be. What’s more, the lack of a plan can cause chaos in your company and negatively affect the work of your employees.
The best way to do this is by coming up with a timeline and listing all the tasks that need to be completed. Our call center checklist can be handy here because it includes all the steps that you need to take.
Tasks should be assigned to specific people so everyone knows who is accountable for what. Good transition planning is crucial to organizing the process effectively.
Now it’s time to focus on the features that you would like to see in your new call center software.
It’s important to be clear about what you’re looking for and share this information with the provider. This way, you’re more likely to get the software that meets your needs.
There are a few things that you should consider:
One of the most important tasks during the transition is to transfer your data from your current software solution to the new one.
This ensures that you don’t lose any valuable information and that your employees can continue working without interruption.
The best way to do this is by using a data migration tool. This will help you to quickly and easily transfer all the information from one system to another, as well as prevent any data loss during the transition.
If you don’t know how to do so safely and securely, you can always ask the provider for help. They should be able to assist you with the process.
It is imperative that you onboard your team with the new software prior to the transition.
By using a training program, you can help your team understand how to use the new software and get up and running quickly. It also helps your agents get used to the new software and its features.
The best way to do this is by using a training program, which will help your team learn how to use the new software and get started quickly. It’s important to verify that everyone is familiar with the new system before you switch to it completely.
The transition shouldn’t have any negative impact on your call center workflow. Allow for an adequate training period to ensure that everyone is ready to use the new software.
To avoid delays, it is important to adhere to your plan’s deadline.
If you don’t meet them, it will delay the entire process and could cause problems for your call center.
Choose a project manager for the transition, and make sure that everyone knows when deadlines are approaching. By doing this, you can keep track of everything and make sure it’s done on time.
Before you switch to the new software, don’t forget to carry out a test run.
This will help you guarantee that everything works correctly and that the transition goes smoothly. It will also give you a chance to fix any problems before launch.
The best way to do this is by using a pilot group. Have some employees test the new software to make sure it is ready for use. This gives you a chance to get feedback from them.
Be sure you maintain consistent performance by carrying out regular checks on the new software.
If there are any problems, you’ll be able to fix them quickly. It will also help you confirm that the transition went smoothly and that the new software is working correctly.
The best way is to use a quality assurance team to help test the new software and determine whether or not it’s meeting your expectations. Having such a team will allow you to keep a close eye on call performance, customer satisfaction, as well as obtain feedback from them to ensure that your call center is providing the best possible service.
Have regular meetings with your agents in order to get their feedback and find out how they’re doing.
They will be able to give you feedback and tell you what they think about the new software. It will also give you a chance to see how they’re doing and if they need any help.
Set a time and date in advance and make sure to send out the agenda beforehand to help them prepare for the meeting. During the meeting, make sure to ask about their experience with the new software and if there is anything you can improve upon.
Once you get feedback from your customers and employees, you need to improve the system. A call center software transition is a process, so you’ll have to make some adjustments along the way.
There should be a change whenever something is not working properly or when you want to improve your customer service.
Find gaps for improvement and make changes accordingly. This could mean making changes to the software, process, or even the team.
Sometimes you have to try different ideas to see what works best for your company and its customers.
É sempre uma boa ideia experimentar qualquer solução de software de call center em potencial antes de fazer uma compra. A maioria dos provedores oferece algum tipo de avaliação ou demonstração gratuita para que você possa testar os recursos e a funcionalidade de sua plataforma.
O software de call center deve ser fácil de usar para sua equipe. A interface deve ser intuitiva e os recursos fáceis de navegar.
É importante ter acesso a um bom suporte técnico ao fazer a transição para um novo provedor de call center. Pergunte ao provedor se o suporte está disponível e quanto tempo leva para responder aos tíquetes de suporte.
O software de call center deve ser capaz de se integrar facilmente aos seus sistemas existentes, economizando tempo e problemas durante o processo de transição.
Não se esqueça de considerar os custos do serviço ao tomar sua decisão. Certifique-se de obter um bom valor pelo seu dinheiro e de saber exatamente pelo que está pagando.
Certifique-se de que o provedor escolhido tenha um bom protocolo de segurança. Seus dados e informações de clientes devem ser mantidos seguros e protegidos o tempo todo.
O provedor também deve oferecer um programa de treinamento abrangente para sua equipe. Eles devem ser capazes de fornecer todos os recursos e suporte necessários.
O provedor também deve oferecer um desktop de agente omnichannel. Isso permite que seus agentes lidem com todos os canais (voz, chat e e-mail) a partir de uma única interface.
O software do call center deve oferecer uma variedade de recursos avançados, como roteamento inteligente de chamadas, distribuição automática de chamadas e URA.
O provedor também deve oferecer relatórios históricos para que você possa acompanhar o desempenho do seu call center e identificar áreas de melhoria.
Finalmente, não se esqueça de considerar o ajuste pessoal do provedor. Se eles compartilham a mesma cultura da empresa que a sua, você deve se sentir confortável em trabalhar com eles.
Ao procurar uma nova solução de call center, pergunte sobre esses critérios. Ao fazer sua pesquisa, você poderá tomar uma decisão informada que é certa para o seu negócio.
Não fica muito melhor do que o LiveAgent quando se trata de atendimento ao cliente. Todos os recursos mencionados acima estão incluídos, além de muitos outros – interaja com seus clientes em todos os canais de forma transparente, tudo em um só lugar.
Com suas análises em tempo real, você poderá ver o desempenho do seu call center a qualquer momento. Você gostaria de experimentá-lo?
A call center transition process is a set of steps that you follow to move from your current software provider to a new one.
A call center transition plan should include: criteria for choosing a new provider; the steps involved in the transition process; who will be responsible for each step; what resources are needed and when the transition will take place.
Read our checklist to help you prepare for a call center transition. Make sure to consider the criteria for choosing a new provider. You should also familiarize yourself with the steps involved in the transition process.
The time frame for the entire process of call center transition will vary depending on your current provider and the new one you choose. It can take anywhere from several weeks to a few months.
Funcionalidades do call center
O termo call center refere-se a um escritório centralizado usado para receber ou fazer um grande número de chamadas. Leia mais sobre call centers.
Lista de verificação de requisitos de Centro de atendimento
Descubra como montar um call center de sucesso com nossa lista de verificação abrangente. Garanta treinamento adequado, integração de ferramentas, equipamentos essenciais e mais. Ideal para startups e grandes empresas, essa lista ajuda a evitar gastos desnecessários e otimizar operações. Comece seu call center com eficiência hoje!
Lista de verificação de auditoria do call center
Descubra como otimizar o desempenho do seu call center com nosso checklist de auditoria abrangente. Avalie eficiência, processos, scripts, recrutamento e satisfação do cliente. Garanta um serviço de qualidade e eleve a produtividade da equipe. Experimente o LiveAgent gratuitamente e transforme seu atendimento!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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